Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was busy but very good. So different from last year. Anna loved all of her new presents and handled it well overall. A few meltdowns were had but nothing out of the ordinary for a three year old.

As we look forward to 2017, we have some pretty big changes coming up. Anna will most likely start attending school three hours per day. We're still working everything out and haven't made a final decision yet, but if she does attend school, her therapy will be interwoven into her classroom experience. Because she's progressing so quickly, she now knows her colors and numbers 0-10 and some letters, we think she'll learn a lot this way. So please be in prayer for us to make all the right choices for Miss Anna over the next couple of weeks.

We are also getting ready to start on the new house in the "country". It's not way out in the country, but we'll have some land, room for a big playground, and lots of peace and quiet. So, I'm working on packing and purging for our last move for, hopefully, a long time.

As far as personal goals for 2017, I don't have any many. I do want to lose the five pounds I gained in 2016, but that means giving up ice cream so ... I also want to be more diligent about reading my Bible and praying. Otherwise, I'm excited to see what the next year holds.

And with that, I thought I'd leave you all with a lot few pictures from Christmas.

Anna currently has an obsession with these spoons. They are all different colors, and she carries them around. They've actually helped her learn her colors.

They were happy. I promise.

The grandkids on my side of the family

Anna and her Great Aunt Karen

The ever elusive family picture

Grandkids on Patrick's side

Happy New Year Everyone!

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