Friday, May 25, 2018

For the Class of 2018 (and anyone who cares . . .)

It's that time of year again. School is coming to a close. Summer is upon us. Graduations are happening left and right. For the past five years or so, I've watched my former students graduate from high school and go forward into this big wide world. They've followed different paths. Some are in the military. Some have careers. Many have gone to college. But one thing holds true, most of them are pretty dang amazing. And while I have no great delusions regarding my role in their lives, I am so very proud of them.

I've been thinking about what I would say to these kids, just moments away from becoming adults, if I could. And this is what I've come up with.

This is not the big climax to your life. It's only the beginning. It's the beginning of big things no matter what you're doing tomorrow or next week or next year. Just remember, you have to take ownership. You have to do your part in making those things happen.

  • Work hard. There's a verse in the bible that basically says, "Whatever you do, do it as unto the Lord . . ." (paraphrased from Colossians 3:23-24), and y'all this is the best advice I can give you. If you do things for others and even for yourself, you'll always reach a point where you're burnt out and tired and disappointed. But when you do things for God, not just in theory but in reality, you'll find strength only He can give.
  • Don't rush the next step. We're always looking for what's next. Goals are good. Goals are important, but also, as cliché as it sounds, seize the day. You won't get it back.
  • Having said that . . . college is not a career. It's a means to an end, and so, know when it's time to move on.
  • Take risks. Not the kind of risks that will give your mama a heart attack, but the kind of risks that change people's lives. You can always dream bigger. 
  • Don't drink and drive. Ever.
  • Live generously. Give. Volunteer. Do something for someone other than yourself.
  • Laugh everyday, and be with people who give you life. If someone only takes and sucks you dry, it might be time to move on. Just sayin'.
  • Find a career, not a job, but a career that you love. And yes, "stay at home mom" is absolutely a career, but so is chief executive of a large company. It's up to you, and you may do both, or you may do neither in your lifetime.
  • But on the way to finding that career you still have to work hard. See my first point. There's no shame in any job as long as you show up and do your best.
  • Go to church. Trust God. Pray. Seriously, you'll find that life is much easier and much more valuable with Jesus than without.
You are amazing, and you are meant to do great things. God didn't create anyone boring or ordinary. He created unique and extraordinary. That's you. 

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