Monday, June 13, 2011

Approval Letters, Gangplanks, Bad Service, and Wrong Turns (all in one post)

First off, I have six notarized copies of the completed home study in my hot little hands along with an approval letter, and boy am I happy. Everything looks great and we are ready to get this wagon train a-movin. Tomorrow I will be sending off the I800A to NBC (along with some mula and some other other impt. docs). So here's a quick question for any of you international adoption folks (especially those living in the Central Texas area). Could someone please clarify the time frame on this? I mean if I overnight it tomorrow then about how long will it take to get our fingerprinting appointment? And then when we get the appointment time how much notice do they give you? A day? A week? A month? I'm a bit confused on this part, and I don't want to annoy my poor caseworker to death. You have no idea how many questions I have already asked her. Any anwers would be much appreciated . . . please and thank you.

So anyhow totally changing the subject, we just got back from the beach.

We had a blast. Yes Andrew is wearing pajamas in the above picture. We made the mistake of going out after his bath. Which led to another bath. Andrew was a complete fish, although he preferred the pool to the ocean. He's at the age where you can just put some floaties on him, throw him in the pool, and go grab a bite to eat. . . And that was a joke. You can put the phone away. You don't have to call Child Protective Services on me. But in all honesty he wore arm floaties, and "swam" all over the pool. I tried to keep up with him, but everytime I touched him, he had a complete break down. He apparently can "swim" all by himself. So Patrick and I spent a large amount of time chasing him around the ridiculously large pool.

We went with my sister and her family, and frankly, they wear me out. I mean their clocks run differently than ours. Andrew is of the early to bed and early to rise school. Her kids are not. The problem is, even when Andrew goes to bed late he still rises early. So yeah, we were already a little tired, but on the way home we decided to go through Corpus Christi and take the boys through the USS Lexington. Other than the fact that it was around 1 million degrees yesterday the boys had a lot of fun.

We saw a few of these. . .

And went up and down about 297 flights of these . . .

The boys also had an important conference on the state of affairs (whatever that means). It was all very serious. Well at least Nathan and Anthony thought it was serious (I think they were just starving). Brendon and Andrew not so much.

Before we hit the road we made my bro-in-law walk the gangplank. Hey don't mess with me or I'll lay the smack down on you. Yeah, but I'm not kidding when I say that thing was sc-ar-y. I mean one wrong move and your catapulted out to sea.

So funny story about the trip home. We left the Lexington at around 1:30 and we were all tired, hot, and hungry. Not the greatest combination, especially when you have 4 boys 12 and under involved. We drove down the road a ways trying to find somewhere decent to eat. We didn't really want to eat fast food so we decided to pull over at a chain restaurant that was just down the highway. (I won't mention the name but if your ever in Portland, Texas let me know, and I'll tell you where not to eat). Anyway we entered this fine establishment around 2:00 p.m. It wasn't crowded, and we figured we'd be in and out in under an hour. We were seated immediately, and our drink order was taken rather quickly. And that ladies and gents is where the quickly stopped. Our drinks came after about 15 minutes and we managed to hold down the waitress for a few minutes to take our food order. Seeing as how we were thirsty we sucked the drinks dry in about 2.5 seconds. And then we waited . . . and waited . . . and waited. We had ordered a couple appetizers (don't forget that we were on the brink of starvation at this point) which finally arrived, and we asked for refills on the drinks. Mine and Patrick's got refilled, but not my sister's or Hector's or any of the kids'. After another 15-20 minutes (we had been here almost an hour at this point) our waitress comes by and says "oh can I refill those drinks?". We were like "Sure, the ones you were gonna refill 26 hours ago?!?" Not to worry, we weren't that rude, but really people get it together.

Of course the drinks never made it back to our table and then our waitress disappears. Like I Dream of Jeannie style. Finally after another 15 minutes some guy brings most of the food except for Patrick's and Hector's. We tried to ask about their food, but you had to dive on the ground and grab someone by the ankles to get them to stop long enough to listen to you. I sent up a smoke signal, and got someone to our table to ask about the rest of our order, and the waitress (different one this time) was like "Oh yeah, your waitress got sick and left. Let me see if she put that in or not." What? For Pete's Parker people you have got to be kidding me. I mean I'm sorry the poor girl got sick, but does that mean you just leave us to slowly starve to death here? About five minutes later a different waiter brings their food out freshly nuked. They ate it in less than 10 minutes, which is a miracle for my husband because he eats slower than molasses in January, and we were ready to be on our way.

Everyone went to the restroom, and Sarah and I waited for the ticket. We waited . . . and waited . . . and waited. Beginning to see a pattern? The men went to load up the boys. And I sent up another smoke signal. Finally after another 10-15 minutes, some man brings our ticket and says "Yeah that power surge really messed things up." Um, what? Did our waitress get shocked instead of sick? It was like a bad episode of the Twilight Zone. Sarah begins reading the ticket like it's a romance novel, and I was so not caring at this point. I grabbed it from her, and immediately noticed that they actually had the gall to add in the tip. Now I'm normally a good tipper, but if they thought I was leaving a tip when no one had the decency to apologize or check on us or give me a free dessert they had lost their bloomin' minds. Who exactly were we leaving the tip for? So we left our cash sans tip and headed out. Now if you are are a waiter or waitress I know it's a tough job. I am in no way denying that, but this was hands down the worst service I have ever had anywhere. And I've eaten out at a lot of different places, but this was the first time I have not left a tip.

So two hours later, we booked it out of there caravan style with me leading the pack (okay my sister's truck was the only other vehicle but work with me here). Two things are important to note (1) I've been to the beach a million times (2) I always take a wrong turn and go the long way (not the wrong way, just the long way). This time I had my handy dandy navigation system to work with (it's never failed me), but lo and behold when it came time to make the turn in the correct direction it told me to turn right . . . into a pasture. Hello? So I got all flustered (imagine that) and ended up turning at the wrong turn. Then the navigation system started to freak out and kept screaming "turn left then turn left" in a robotic voice. At which point I threatened to destroy it, and anyway, there was no way to turn around even if I wanted to (which I didn't . . . see bold above). Needless to say, we may have seen miles and miles of Texas that we didn't want to see yesterday. That's what happens when you let someone with no sense of direction lead the pack. Oops! Sorry!

1 comment:

Misty Hinckley said...

hehehe that is too funny but still can understand the frusteration..we had an experience down that way recently, so irritating, especially when your little ones (gavin) are starving and they bring you those little cracker packs..poor girl had about 50 of those to clear off the table before we got our first