Thursday, July 20, 2017


I haven't blogged in quite a while. Oops. School ended, we're building a house and trying to sell this one, I spent a long weekend in Florida with some girlfriends (glorious), my brother got married, Anna is potty training (she's doing great at home but struggling when we go out), and life has been generally crazy. I'm not going to even try to catch up but thought I'd throw out a few pics of our goings on for y'all!

Andrew finished third grade. He had a spectacular year, and he's on the fourth. Hard to believe!

I love these ladies so much. We met through adoption, and we're spread out all over the country. But I don't know what I'd do without them.

Patrick and I snuck away for a much needed night in San Antonio. 

And Uncle Stoney's wedding. We had a blast.

My cousin and her husband and kids drove down from Kansas for my brother's wedding. This is a couple days later hanging out at my sister's.

Some pics of the new house. These are a few weeks old. We're hoping to move mid-late August. 

And just a few more summer fun pictures. I'm pretty sure my kids are part fish.

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!