Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blogs I Love and Why

It's no secret that I love to read. I read anything and everything I can get my hands on from the back of shampoo bottles to adventure novels. So when I discovered blogs, I found another outlet for my voracious reading habit.

As you can see by the list on the side of my blog, there are quite a few blogs I like to follow. Today I decided to tell you about my top five favorite blogs and why I like them. A couple things first. Most of these ladies don't have a clue who I am, and none of them know me personally. What I love about their blogs is that in reading them I've found women who share a small portion of their lives in an interesting and classy way and to which I can completely relate.

So without further ado, and in no particular order, I present to you my top five favorite blogs:
  • The Glamorous Life of a Housewife - This is the blog that got me hooked on blogs, and the reason I read most of the blogs I read. The writer, Whitney, has an adorable little boy and another on the way, and I'm always impressed by the grace and class with which she handles almost any situation. Plus she's downright funny at times.
  • Marriage Confessions - Katie, the writer of this blog is funny, and witty, and honest. She keeps it real without being tacky or revealing too much. She doesn't pretend or put forth the perfect family picture, but at the same time, you realize how normal, well-adjusted, and loving her family is.
  • Blue Eyed Bride - One of my absolute favorite blogs to read! Erin is funny, but totally honest. I know that her blog only presents a small part of her life to the world, but it is very relate-able. She has two adorable sons, and she doesn't mince words when it comes to writing about life as a mother and a wife. She doesn't pretend to have it all together, but you can also tell that she adores her family.
  • Tales of  the Trees - Megan writes this blog, and y'all she cracks me up. Probably because she reminds me of myself. The things she writes about are often the same things I deal with in my own life. Not to mention, that her husband is also a youth pastor and plays on the worship team at their church (I actually think he leads worship) which is very much like Patrick and myself.
  • Bogue and Weejer - Last but far from least is Ruthie at Bogue and Weejer. If you are ever having a bad day you need to read this blog. Ruthie is hilarious. And she's one of the few girls I know that also loves Science Fiction. And she replies to my tweets. And I think we would get along really well if we ever get to meet in real life. And I mean that in a totally non-creepy, unstalkerish way. Oh, and she helped center the header on the top of my blog. But seriously y'all she is a super funny writer, and she takes the cutest pictures of her twin girls, and I highly recommend you read her blog.
So there you have it. My top five favorite blogs. There are tons of other blogs I love, but these are the ones I relate to the most. They're all young mothers (I actually think they are all younger than me, but we won't discuss that) with at least one young child. They are all Christians although they are from various denominations and walks of life. Most of all, reading their blogs makes me realize that I am not alone. Everyone's kids (and husbands and dogs and jobs and yes I'm including being a SAHM as a job . . . because it is a huge job) sometimes drive them nuts and make them throw their hands up in the air, but at the same time you know that you couldn't and wouldn't want it any other way.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Night Out

Every year at the end of January, Patrick and I get ourselves all dressed up and head to the local Chamber of Commerce Banquet. I promise it's more exciting than it sounds. They have a nice dinner followed by a casino night and (for the first time this year) a dance. Now, I am in no way advocating gambling. As a matter of a fact, I know nothing about gambling, but this is gambling with play money for prizes so I don't consider it real gambling. And y'all it's always so much fun. A bunch of people, the majority of whom know nothing about what they are doing, always makes for an entertaining night.

So yesterday morning, I dropped Andrew off at Sarah's and headed home to relax for a bit and get ready. I guess I should admit that part of relaxing included consuming a third of a huge container of Goldfish. I blame Andrew for this completely. Before I had him, I never bought Goldfish.

Anyway, before we left for the night I set up the tripod and forced Patrick to pose for a picture. It's so rare for us to get really dressed up, and not to brag, but we clean up pretty well. (Yes, I have big head. It's genetic. I can't help it.)

We had a great time, but we didn't get to bed until around 1:00 a.m., and y'all I'm almost dead today. In college, I ran on coffee and almost no sleep, and it didn't seem to bother me. I'd go to bed at 12:30 a.m., get up at 6:30 and run five miles, and then head to class. It didn't phase me. I did it day after day. Now aside from the fact that I couldn't run two miles right now, is the fact that I go to bed late one night, and I'm exhausted. I guess I'm getting old.

All tiredness aside, it was fun, and I'm glad that I got to spend a night out with my husband.

Friday, January 27, 2012

On the Adoption Front

Good News First
Our adoption agency received three referrals this week. There have been some changes in the Bulgarian Government during the past few months, and with that and Christmas, things seemed to slow down a little bit. But now it looks like everything is picking up again, and we're very excited to see families bring home their sweet kids.

Stupid News Second
In other adoption news, I talked to one of the girls at our home study agency today, and she told me that we'll do most of our updates in April. But . . . there's always a stinkin' but . . . anyway . . . but I may want to start my FBI background checks and fingerprints in February. And I was like, "Say what?" I mean do y'all remember the whole finger printing fiasco of 2011? Quick run down, in case you haven't been dwelling on it for the past year or so. When adopting from Bulgaria, the parents must submit ink fingerprints to the FBI for a background check. Not electronic fingerprints. You know, seeing as how we live in the electronic age.  But ink fingerprints. The old fashioned kind. The kind the nobody knows how to do correctly. Anyway last year, when we sent off the first set, Patrick's got accepted. Mine got rejected. I was traumatized. It held up our home study for a while. I just recently got over the whole ordeal. I may or may not be slightly dramatic. Yada yada yada. I naively thought it was all behind me, but today my bubble was burst. So now I have to be careful with my fingers again. I can't burn them, cut them, scrape them, or destroy them in any way, form, or fashion. Which, if you know me, is much easier said than done.

But I'm not going to dwell on this. I'm not going to worry about it. I'm going to go eat a box of Girl Scout cookies instead. Good night everyone.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

When It Rains . . .

It pours. And I mean that quite literally.

Last night we went to bed expecting a few mild albeit unusual January thunderstorms. Sometime early this morning the storms rolled in, and y'all they were anything but mild. It has been a long time since we've had storms like these. The thunder and lightning were unbelievable. And the wind . . . I hate wind more than anything. I've been unfortunate enough to be in a handful of really bad thunderstorms with (small) tornadoes and straight line winds, and so thunderstorms make me a little edgy.

Between the hours of two and five a.m. it rained over five inches (and I didn't sleep a wink). Some parts of our county got around nine inches of rain. The creeks and the rivers are up, and school is canceled. Yay for that (I won't be saying yay in February when we miss our bad weather day). Thankfully, the storms have moved out, but if you live east of us, you better go ahead and prepare for some yucky weather.

Before I show you a couple of pictures, let me say this, I am extremely thankful for the rain. We need the rain desperately, and I am in no way complaining about the rain. But severe weather is severe weather, and I don't care what you say or who you are, no one enjoys severe weather. Except maybe if your storm chaser, but then you're also somewhat crazy in my opinion.

My sister took these pictures. My parents and my sister and her family live on the river. Normally these pastures are not under water, but the water came up fast this morning. Thankfully, there homes are not in any danger.

This was when the river first started to rise early this morning. That dock you see normally floats right on the edge of the bank. And underneath all that water up to those trees there is usually grass that you can sit on.




These are pictures of Plum Creek which runs along the edge/through our town. Looks more like a lake than a creek.

So there you have it folks. Some people get snowstorms. We get freakishly strange January thunderstorms! Stay safe and dry everyone.

Monday, January 23, 2012

My Beef With the Girl Scouts

Every year about this time they make their appearance. They seem so cute and so innocent, but people let me tell you, those little girls with those sweet smiles are ruthless saleswomen at heart. In the cold, dark, middle of winter (did I mention that it was almost 80 here the other day?) they entice you to buy those little pieces of Heaven which clearly are laced with whatever people lace stuff with. They call them cookies, but y'all they are much more than cookies. No mere cookie has this kind of sway over me. I find myself thinking about them throughout the day wondering if Patrick took the last box of Thin Mints with him to work and working out a plan of action were I to arrive home and find the cupboard bare.

I say I buy them to support the Girl Scouts. I say I buy them because it's the charitable thing to do. But y'all let's face it. That is a big fat lie. I buy those cookies so I can eat them . . . and eat them . . . and eat them. And when I run out, I book it to the nearest Wal Mart praying that those sweet little girls are standing out in the cold with those little boxes of Heaven for me to purchase.

Which is why I inevitably gain 5 pounds every year around this time. This is also why my daughter will never be allowed to join the Girl Scouts. Neither my pocketbook or my waistline could afford to have Girl Scout cookies at my fingertips.

* Disclaimer: I have absolutely nothing against the Girl Scouts. They are a marvelous organization. As the matter of a fact, I love and admire them for their cookies.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Sometimes I wish that I lived a century ago. Don't get me wrong. I love technology and cars and microwaves and electricity and hot running water and indoor plumbing . . . thank the good Lord for indoor plumbing . . . but sometimes I wonder what it was like living in a quieter time. I mean, I know life was physically harder. I know that what we consider minor illnesses today were major diseases a hundred years ago. But at the same time, I sometimes think it must've been nice to live a life that wasn't inundated my modern technology . . . by the continual streaming of information. I somehow think life must've been simpler and more innocent on a lot of levels.

I know that people still had their share of troubles. I know that evil and corruption and wrongdoing were around a hundred years ago, but it seems like core values have really gone downhill in the last one hundred years. (I'm just full of sunshine and rainbows today now aren't I?)

Don't get me wrong, I'm not becoming Amish anytime soon. I'm not quite ready to give up my iPhone. ;) But I was just thinking about how it must've been nice to live in a quieter simpler time where living right and serving God were the norm and not considered out of the ordinary or strange. You know it would be nice to live in a time where people were a little more selfless.

Anyway, just some cheerful thoughts about what it would've been like to live in a simpler time (that I'm typing out on my very modern laptop while I watch a movie on my large screen television . . . how's that for hypocrisy???) on this quiet Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

First Things First

"You can't get second things by putting them first; you can get second things only by putting first things first." C.S. Lewis

I've been reading the book "Think Differently, Live Differently" by Bob Hamp. He's a pastor at Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas. Specifically, he's in charge of what they call their Freedom Ministry at Gateway. Patrick, frequently listens to sermons given by Robert Morris, the head pastor at Gateway, and a couple weeks ago, I sat down with him and listened to one that he gave on prayer. It was awesome. So I was going over the website, and I saw this thing called Freedom Ministry. Of course, my first thought was, "Oh that must be for those kind of people." You know, the kind with major problems. Arrogant, to say the least. I quickly discovered that it was not just a ministry for drug addicts, alcoholics, etc., but it really is a ministry for the entire Christian body.

Also, it's not a ministry that focuses primarily on getting people free from their stuff (although, that is one component). Freedom ministry defines freedom as being free to be who God created you to be. And y'all these are some of the best teachings I've listened to (I have to be honest and say I don't regularly listen to teachings), and the book is just as amazing. It's not about getting free from something, it's really about letting God transform you.

So getting to my point, yesterday I was reading the book, and I came across that quote by C.S. Lewis, and then I read the scripture, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." (Matthew 6:33). I've read that scripture a million times before. I've sang the song. I've said verbally that God is first in my life, but for the first time ever, I stepped back and asked myself if I was really seeking God first. Or am I seeking Him for what He can do for me? Do I want Him or His solutions.

Now let me say this, I did not feel condemned or guilty or ashamed. I don't believe that God operates in that way. What I felt was aware. Aware of the fact that I often go to God for a solution to my problems but that I rarely just spend time with Him. I read my Bible for answers, and so I search out certain scriptures rather than asking Him to show me what He wants me to learn through His word. Let me also say this, God cares about our needs and our problems. He wants and desires to help us, but He is more than just a big problem-solver in the sky. He wants a relationship with us. So yesterday, I realized that I've spent most of my life expecting God to solve my problems but very little of my life really getting to know Him. In short, I've been putting second things first.

Maybe this isn't news to anyone but me, but it really made me see things differently. And I didn't wake up this morning totally different, but I also know that God is working in me to grow and change me. This morning I am immensely thankful to Him for showing me this. I am so grateful that He loves me enough to grow me up in Him and to keep working with me and on me. Even if it takes me 30 years to finally catch on to a verse that seems so clear and so simple.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Lie of Self-Reliance

I have always taken pride in the fact that I was very self reliant and independent. Pressure? No problem, I've got it under control. Have I mentioned I'm also a control freak? The problem with this whole self-reliant thing, aside from the fact that I had way too much pride in it, is that no one is truly self-reliant. If we really rely on ourselves then we're going to be let down in a big way sooner or later.

I feel like God's really trying to work on this part of me. The part of me that says, "I've got it under control". The part of me, that in all honesty, has more faith in myself than in God sometimes. Did I just admit that? It's not easy, giving up control. I've fought for it my whole life. I like to be in charge. I'm bossy.

You know how the Bible says to "cast all your care on God" (1 Peter 5:7)? Some people find it so easy. Me? Not so much. I'm always afraid that if I don't worry something to death . . . if I don't analyze it from every angle . . . if I don't keep it at the forefront of my mind, then the world is going to crash down around me. As if I'm solely responsible for everything going the way it should. But the truth is that's a lie. There is a reason why God is God, and I'm not.

So yeah, this learning not to be self-reliant thing, isn't as easy as it sounds. It takes me learning to shut up and trusting that God will break through the madness that is my mind. Somehow though, I think it will all be worth it in the end.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Anyone Want to Join the Insanity?

So a while back (like a couple of weeks . . .  I think), I said something along the lines of how I wanted to live a less performance based lifestyle and to allow God's grace and mercy to be what leads me in life. That make any sense? Anybody even know what the heck I'm talking about?

If you aren't a performance driven person then you probably don't get this. And I'm not referring to being a lazy Christian just in case that's what you're thinking. I'm referring to not thinking that you can do anything to earn God's favor. This isn't the Girl Scouts people. This is Christianity. It seems like in the church it sometimes becomes about who can do more. As if we are earning merit badges. And y'all I'm one of the worst. All my life I've been a goal oriented person. I'm a perfectionist. I'm a worrier. I think things have to be done a certain way (dare I say I may be slightly OCD). Don't laugh many of you are right there with me.

So along with this new resolution of sorts comes the fact that I have to learn to totally and completely trust God. I have to learn to listen and hear and trust Him to lead me. It sounds so simple, yet it is so difficult. I find myself wondering and worrying that I haven't done something to please Him or that I am doing something that displeases Him (OCD anyone?). Not to mention that I just worry about everything in general. Seriously unhealthy? I know. Completely unreasonable? I'm not under any misconceptions about how stupid continual worrying is. But y'all . . . It! Is! An! Uphill! Battle! I've done it (it being worried) for 90% of my life.

Okay, so here's the question. How many of you girls (and guys) struggle with the same issues? How many of you want to join me in this crazy journey of becoming more dependent on God and much, much, much (I could add much many more times, but I won't) less dependent on self? If you want to, comment or email, and we'll commit to support one another and pray for each other. If not, we'll then chalk this up to another one of the crazy lady's posts. :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day Off

Andrew and I have the day off today. It's been nice. We layed around most of the morning and then got dressed and went to lunch with my mom, my sister, my grandmother, and my aunt. We were there for two hours, and I'm pretty sure that an hour-and-a-half of that was just us yapping, but it was fun. We need to have lunch more often. And surprisingly enough, Andrew was fairly well behaved considering that we sat there for two hours. He had a couple little toys to keep him entertained, and I'm pretty sure he ate an entire basket of chips by himself, but I'll let that slide.

Earlier Andrew told me his brain hurt. He says it's damage from playing too many "bideo games". He thinks that because I tell him that if he watches too much t.v. or plays too many video games his brain will fall out of his head. I'm all about using scare tactics with your children. They're highly effective.

It's really springlike outside today. We've had some springish days here lately, and to tell you the truth, I wouldn't complain if it stayed like this all the time. Last week we had a couple cold days, and I was seriously contemplating moving to Hawaii. For some reason my family wasn't as gung-ho on the whole idea of moving out into the middle of the Pacific as I was, but gosh, if I could live in t-shirts and shorts year round, I would.

Well, I guess since this lovely long weekend is getting close to ending, I'd better get some laundry done and get things ready for another week. Hey at least it's a short week. :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Hi, I'm still here. Still eating, sleeping, living, and breathing. I've said it before, and I'll go ahead and say it once again, January and February aren't exactly my favorite months of the year. They just sort of blend together in a mostly cold haze, while I fight the urge to stay in my warm bed each morning or wear sweats to school because that is totally against dress code. Otherwise I'd most likely do it. Instead I spend my mornings trying to figure out how many layers of clothing I can put on without looking like the poor kid on "A Christmas Story". Not to mention, in the world of public school kiddos and teachers, they are probably the hardest months of the year. Not only are they stressful and insanely busy, with the promise of looming standardized tests, but they are a long way from spring and warmer weather and summer. :)

I've also been spending a lot of time reading and studying and praying this past week, and kind of unplugging. It seems like we are constantly plugged in. Our phones, our computers, our t.v.s . . . facebook, twitter, blogs . . . it's never ending, and sometimes I think we all need a break. Don't get me wrong, I love the internet, but I guess right now is one of those times I just feel like I need to spend a little less time on the world wide web. But don't worry, I'm sure I'll be back in full swing soon enough.

So if my posts are a little scarce for a while, don't worry. I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth. I'm just hibernating until spring. ;)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Why We're Home When We're Not Supposed to Be

Hey y'all remember how we were supposed to go to San Antonio for the night to celebrate my mom's birthday? Yeah, well not so much. Patrick woke me up at 12:30 a.m. to tell me he felt sick. I was thrilled. I mean, no really . . . I was packed . . . I was ready to go . . . and then Patrick gets sick. And boy howdy did he get sick. It's not his fault. I'm still disappointed, but what's a girl to do?

The only thing is, this has happened before. December of 2010 my brother was graduating from college at UTSA, and my parents had gotten us all hotel rooms and had a big dinner planned out. The night before Patrick woke up with a stomach bug. So we had to back out. I was so disappointed.

Either way, strange of a coincidence as it is, it's certainly not his fault. I just pray he perks up soon and no one else catches it. So anyway, I've spent most of my day laying on the couch. I'm exhausted from not sleeping. Andrew has watched about 27 too many movies, but that's okay. And my poor husband has been holed up in our bedroom.

Exciting Saturday . . . I'm well aware.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Long Time . . . No Post

Hey y'all. I took the day off. I know, I know . . . I took the day off on my first week back after Christmas. Let's just say this has been a rough week, and I wasn't feeling well. So I took a break. I'm learning that it's okay to take a break now and again.

It's sunny outside today about 70 degrees. My favorite kind of weather. Spring weather. Albeit in January.

Tomorrow my parents are taking my brother and his girlfriend, my sister and brother-in-law, and Patrick and I to San Antonio for a fancy schmancy dinner to celebrate my mom's birthday (no I'm not telling her age). They even got us a hotel room so we don't have to come home. My in-laws are keeping Andrew. I'm looking forward to it. We don't get away all that often, and it'll be a lot of fun.

I talked to our adoption caseworker today, and she said they are looking forward to more referrals in the coming months. I also checked the U.S. Government's adoption website the other day, and there were more adoption referrals in 2011 than in the previous three years combined. It's moving folks. It may not be moving super fast, but it's moving. That's good news.

And that my friends is the end of a very random post. :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Back to School

Back to school, back to school, back to school . . .

I'll admit, I wasn't exactly thrilled about going back to school. Not that anyone is thrilled to go back to work, but I really wasn't feeling it this morning. It's not the kids. They were really good today. I just plain didn't want to go back. And truth be told, I'm pretty sure the kids weren't feeling it either. And I don't in anyway take that personally. I know they love me and all, but I'm not delusional enough to think that they prefer my company to that of their video games and bicycles (at least not most of them).

January isn't my favorite month of the year as it is. I find January and February kind of tedious. Boy, I'm just all sunshine and roses. Anyway, we're back at school, and like I told the kids this morning, "Everyday is one day closer to the end of the school year."

And now I'll stop being so positive and uplifting.