Thursday, March 30, 2017

Leggings . . . They Still Aren't Pants

Recently, there was a whole debacle because United Airlines asked two young girls wearing leggings and flying on buddy passes to change before boarding. Like there's so much drama that the world might possibly end over this. While, given the age of the girls, I think they may have been overreacting just a tad, anyone who knows me in real life (or who is lucky enough to be my friend on Facebook) knows that I have a personal calling to stop people from wearing leggings as pants. I have to say "people" because some lone man out there is trying to wear leggings as pants, and he needs to be stopped. Immediately. But before we go any further, here's my disclaimer. If you have no sense of humor, you can go ahead and stop reading now. I am well aware that there are real issues in the world. Heavy issues. But sometimes you just have to address those less earth shattering issues and help people make better clothing choices thus avoiding being plastered all over "People of Walmart". You can thank me later. And if you think I'm making fun of your questionable style choices, ya'll everybody needs a little help now and then. I'm not making fun of you. If I was I wouldn't tell you to stop. Finally, if you're a girl under the age of 10, rock on with those leggings my little friend.

In order to explain the ridiculously simple rules when it comes to wearing leggings, I think we need to establish exactly what is and is not the article of clothing in question

Yoga Pants . . . The media really messes this one up. They are not the same thing. Yes, yoga pants can absolutely be questionable, but for the most part they're thicker and looser than leggings. If they're not, maybe go up a size. Yoga pants are the uniform of stay at home moms everywhere. Can I get an "amen"? No, they're not dressy attire, but they're fine for hanging around the house on a Saturday afternoon, or running to Walmart because, well, it's Walmart, or chasing and cleaning up after your very active three year old. Whatever, they're just not the same thing as leggings.

Jeggings . . .  Talk about questionable territory. They usually contain some denim and are, as a rule, thicker than normal leggings. Just use the brain God gave you on this one. They can go either way, but if they look like you painted them on, yeah, just say "no".

Running/Work Out Leggings . . .  For the 5 days a year it's cold in Texas, I own a few pairs of these. My shirt is rarely long and loose when I wear running leggings. It's too hard to run with a long loose shirt. Here's the thing, if you're not going to work out, just wear a pair of jeans. But if you're headed to the gym after dumping the kids at school, more power to you.

So to what am I referring when I use the term "leggings"?

Anything remotely resembling these. They can be solid or patterned, but they are typically thin, unforgiving, and just a step above tights. 

Now the rules . . . there's actually only one real rule.

Wear a long shirt/tunic/dress over your leggings. Basically, if you wouldn't wear it with tights then there's a good chance you shouldn't wear it with leggings.

That's it. It should give you good coverage of your bum and your front. If it hits you mid thigh, you're golden. If you're a teenager you can get by with a slightly shorter shirt but still leave something to the imagination. Always leave something to the imagination. You'll appreciate that advice one day when you're looking back at photos with your kids.

Contrary to popular belief, I actually have no issues with leggings in and of themselves. I even own a few pairs. They're comfy and perfect to throw under a tunic or sweater dress on a cool day (or if you haven't shaved your legs . . . either way). Just remember. Leggings . . . they still aren't pants.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Happy 4th Birthday Anna Girl

Happy 4th birthday to our sweet, spunky, fighter of a girl. You have changed my life and changed me in ways I could've never imagined. You have stretched me, and pushed me, and made my heart grow a thousand times bigger and more accepting than it ever was before you came along. I thank God for you, my beautiful girl! I love you!

(These aren't birthday pics. Blogger won't let me post them so here a couple from the last week or so. Bday pics to come.) 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Another Catch Up and Catch All

While I'd like to promise to blog on a more regular basis, the truth is, it's not going to happen. Anna just keeps me too busy, and when I'm not chasing her, I'm trying to clean or do laundry or cook or just take a moment to breathe.

Having said that, we're all good. Anna started school on Feb. 13, and I wasn't sure how she'd do. However, it has been good for her. She goes three hours per day, and she's excited to go and excited to come home. As of right now, her biggest delay is in speech. Everything else is pretty much caught up, and her vocab is growing by leaps and bounds. Her receptive language is off the charts good so now we just have to keep trucking on the expressive language. But she knows her colors, numbers 1-10, most letters, and shapes. She also has an amazing memory. Once she's taught something, it sticks. The other plus of school is definitely the social interaction. She's learning to take turns and share and play. It doesn't always thrill her to learn these things, but it's still good for Miss Priss. And of course, school gives me a chance to get stuff done around the house and run errands. It's amazing what I can accomplish in three short hours.

Anna on her first day of school.

Andrew is doing really good as well. He works so hard at school and is just an all around good kid. He is growing like crazy, and I can't keep clothes that fit him. He's also a great big brother, and his sister's biggest protector and fan. 

Cowboy day at school ... his pants are a little on the short side, but we made them work.

We've broken ground on our house, but things have been slow going due to a lot of rain. It looks like we have clear sunny weather in the forecast for a while so work should pick up, and of course, we're thankful for the rain. I'm hoping to be moved in by the end of August. We'll see. 

Finally, we're going on our first little road trip since bringing Anna home. We're keeping it simple and praying she does okay. Both of my kids are homebodies so I'm taking everything and the kitchen sink to make sure they feel comfortable and "at home" no matter where we are. 

And that's all folks. Hope you're enjoying your week!