Friday, June 29, 2012

A Whole Lotta Nuthin'

Last night the temperature dropped below 98 degrees, and I ran outside. I couldn't take running on the treadmill again. The treadmill is fine for once in a while, but I get sooooo sick of it (I always tell my kids not to do things like I just did with the word so). I actually have an adverse physical reaction to running on the treadmill. When I go to put on my shoes, my head starts to hurt. This never happens when I run outside, but when I run on the treadmill it happens without fail. I usually push through it, but I prefer running outside any day. But man was it hot!!! The heat doesn't usually bother me too much while I'm running, but when I'm done I feel like a furnace. It's like I radiate heat and it lasts for hours afterward. I could solve this by running in the mornings, but I hate running in the mornings. It's too tricky with my blood sugar being low. My blood sugar is way low until after I have breakfast, a snack, and lunch. Then it's only slightly low for the rest of the day. I have to eat, but I don't want to eat too much, but I don't want to eat too little, and either way I end up sick. I can't seem to find a good middle ground on the food thing . . . which is why I run in the afternoons/evenings . . . so much simpler.

Heat or no, one of my best runs ever. Why am I showing you this? Because it makes me excited. Take that heat! 

In April we paid off my SUV. Woohoo! Now Patrick wants to buy a new SUV. First off, I feel like I need to clarify that the car payments don't bother us (just our opinion . . . not saying it's wrong if you disagree . . . yes I know, cars depreciate when you drive them off the lot, etc., etc.). I mean it's not like we love them, but we can afford them (and no we're not draining our savings to get a car). I totally get and respect those people that don't want/believe in car payments (like I said this is just our opinion), but we're not those people. Plus my car is worth quite a bit, and we have money to put down so we wouldn't be financing a whole lot. I figured we couldn't hold out too long without getting something new. Patrick doesn't really like (actually he hates) the Traverse. So we'll see. The thing is I hate car shopping. It's tedious and boring and tedious and boring and . . . The other thing is we may have to go to Austin. Which means I may have to drive in Austin. I hate driving in Austin. It terrifies me. I know, I'm 31 and I'm terrified of driving in Austin. I have issues. I'm well aware. By the way, Austin is the only city in America that does this to me (of course I've never had the opportunity to drive in most of the major cities in America, but you get my point). Generally speaking, I think half of Texas needs to take (or retake) driver's ed. So yeah, we'll see if anything comes of this.

Back to the weather. I always laugh when people complain about the heat in Texas in the summer. I mean it's summer in Texas. It's not like it's normally 70 and sunny, but y'all 108! Really!?! That's worthy of complaining about. And of course, air conditioners wait until it's unbelievably hot to break. Our compressor on our fan went out a few weeks ago, but thankfully, that was pre-one million degree temps. Anyway, I think the worst is over . . . for a few days anyway.

Look nothing above 99 and a chance of rain . . . glorious . . .

I was really excited thinking we are going to the mountains in the near future, and it's going to be cooler, but yesterday it was close to 100 in Gatlinburg. Normally, the high is in the 80s. What is this about? Hopefully, it will be cooler up in the mountains, and maybe by the time we go this crazy heatwave will have passed.

I got new glasses. Sorry about the picture . . .  bad quality and no make-up. But the glasses are super cute (also they're not tinted . . .they only look that way in pictures). I only look good with heavy dark frames . . . why? Because I'm a nerd. ;)

They're bothering me though. I have to get used to them because they hurt my head behind my ears. So no contacts for a while until I get used to the glasses. Oh and did you notice I can finally pull my hair back in a ponytail again? Next time I want to cut my hair off, would someone please remind me that I won't be able to pull it back if I cut it off? I'll still cut it, but at least you'll have warned me.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Shades of Something

If you plan on reading or have read "50 Shades of Grey" or if you plan on seeing "Magic Mike" then this is probably going to tick you off. Some of you, my friends, are going to think I'm being self-righteous which is in no way my intention. I almost didn't post this. I worried about what people may think. But then I guess I'm more worried about what God thinks. After all, I ultimately have to answer to Him right?

So the thing is, I'm concerned. I'm concerned about the popularity of both the book and the movie. One of which is being labeled "mommy porn" and the other which glorifies, what I believe, is real life porn. I'm concerned that Christian women both married and single are drawn to both the book and the movie. We tell our young girls to stay pure. We tell them that there are certain things that are meant for marriage, and yes, I buy into the idea that certain things are meant for marriage, but then we watch and read things like "Magic Mike" and "50 Shades of Grey" and justify it because we're mature adults. 

I guess the question isn't, "Can we watch it or can we read it?". Clearly, we can. And I don't believe that doing either condemns us to hell (not even for a second do I believe that). I guess the question is, "Is this profitable for me?". I mean, is this something that when put in my mind and my heart is going to profit me as a woman? Is it going to profit me as a wife, a mother, or a future wife? Is it going to help or hurt? Is it going to bring me closer to or farther from God?

Lord knows, I'm far (incredibly far . . . insanely far) from perfect. I'm not even close to being excellent in every thing I do, or say, or see, or think, or read . . . Not! Even! Close! But I'm trying to look at things through the lens of not so much right or wrong but more of profitable or harmful (and yes, I do believe in absolute right and wrong so don't even go there). There are things that I have to make a decision about whether or not it's going to build me up or tear me down, and in this case, I've decided that neither the book nor the movie are going to do much building up in my own personal life.

Each person has to determine for herself how she feels about this. I just thought I'd share what I felt like God was saying to me. So please don't stone me . . .

1 Corinthians 10:23

New King James Version (NKJV)

23 All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Last night, I tweeted that I was sitting in the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, watching a documentary on Chinese adoption, and bawling my eyes out. I then mentioned that my sanity was "now in question". On their own crying over Chinese adoptions or being wrapped in a towel or sitting in the bathroom don't really equal insanity. It's the combination of the three. Not to mention, my hair was also wet and sticking out, and well, I just looked like a crazy woman. 

I haven't finished the documentary, but y'all it just broke my heart. Baby girls are aborted (read killed) or abandoned or murdered after birth just for being girls. China has a one child per family policy, and boys are preferable. Nice huh? The thing is, I knew all this, but this documentary just reinforced what I already knew. One thing that I found interesting was that the adoptive couples had waited "over a year" for their babies, and they made it sound like an eternity. As of today, the wait for a child in China is up to six years. When I'm tempted to complain about Bulgaria, I look at that and realize it's not so bad.

On to lighter topics. We have Netflix, and I like watching shows/movies while I'm doing stuff around the house. Y'all I tried to like "Mad Men". Everyone watches it and goes on and on about it. I watched almost all of Season 1, but I just can't find any redeeming qualities. I know a lot of people love it, and I'm not judging. But the cheating, lying, sex, and constant drinking are just too much for me. I find the whole show sad and depressing. Which is why I'm looking for something else and watching documentaries on adoption in China. Any suggestions on shows that are a little less . . . well you know just a little less everything? 

We had a great weekend. On Saturday, we went to Thump parade, swam and hung out with family, and then headed back to the Thump for a while and almost melted in a pool of sweat. I forgot my camera so yeah no pics. Yesterday, it was church and lunch followed by a quiet afternoon at home. 

It's gotten so hot that I'm being forced to run inside. In the North, winter drives people indoors, and in the South, summer does it. We're looking 100+ temps everyday this week. Ahhhh, summer in Texas . . . thank the good Lord for air conditioning! 

Have a fabulous Monday everyone. Stay cool!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Greatest Sacrifice

If you have 20 minutes, I ask you to watch this. If you don't, I ask you to make time. It's one of the most heart wrenching and beautiful illustrations of God's love I've ever seen. Just please watch.

God gave His Son for me. God gave His Son for you. We say it so nonchalantly. But let me tell you, if that was my son, that train would've gone in the water. I couldn't have done it . . . not for every life on this planet. But God did it. He did it because of His vast, unending, unquenchable, unconditional, undying love for you . . . for us. He gave His son so that we may live. And all you have to do is accept and ask. Accept His gift of salvation. Accept that you're a sinner in need of a Saviour. Ask Jesus to live in you and forgive you. It's not complicated. It's not difficult. And it's free to us, but it cost God everything.

Romans 10:9

New King James Version (NKJV)
that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Romans 10:13

New King James Version (NKJV)
13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

John 3:16

New King James Version (NKJV)
16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Thump . . . Night One

Patrick's home from camp. Couldn't be happier about this. I'm not cut out to be a single parent. Really, I have a huge admiration for all you single parents out there.

Last night I took Andrew to my hometown for the annual Watermelon Thump. We only live 20 min from where I grew up so it's not like it was a huge undertaking, but still, I would've never attempted it if my parents and my sister and her husband hadn't met us there. Thank goodness for family.

Sorry, the pictures kind of jump around. I figure life won't end if they're out of order.

Yep, he's pretending to shoot bad guys. No, I don't want any comments. He's a boy. We live in Texas. Nuff' said.


Just to balance out the whole gun thing. He has a sensitive side. He picked the pink car. He was the first kid on the ride. He could've had any car he wanted, but he picked pink. Real men drive pink cars.

We had a fun week, but are glad Patrick's home and life is back to normal. 
And I'm sure we'll be Thumpin' more this weekend. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Swimming Lessons and Stuff

Last week and the week before that, Andrew took swimming lessons. This is his fourth year taking lessons (the first year was mommy and me), and this year he really "got" it. I am proud to say that he can now officially swim. It's not exactly graceful and there's a lot of flailing and splashing, but at least he's swimming. (And before anyone says anything, I fully realize that this doesn't mean that he can swim alone. I have no intentions of tossing him in the pool and walking away.)

Andrew has taken swimming lessons every year from a friend of my family's. She always does an awesome job, and we're so thankful for her.

Getting ready for class.

Blowing bubbles (you know in case you can't figure out the obvious).

Ready to go under.

Practicing his back float (once again . . . obvious).

Practicing kicks.
Flutter kick, mermaid kick, frog kick . . . 

Jumping in and swimming to the side.

Swimming alone.

So swimming lessons are over, and now we just have to practice.

Patrick is out of town this week, which Andrew hates. So far he's been gone two nights, and Andrew has ended up in bed with me both nights. I'm hoping to get the bed to myself tonight.

Andrew's not the only one that hates it. Apparently, it's stressing Daisy out too. We ended up at the vet's office this morning because she is having some pretty serious stomach upset, and the conclusion (after a lot of expensive tests) is that she's very stressed . . . anyone know a good doggy psychiatrist? Because she really is a head case.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Funny Running

I've been told I "run funny" by a number of people over the past twenty or so years.

I know it may shock them, but I know. I know I "run funny". Think Phoebe on Friends. 

I have short legs and flat feet and my ankles turn inward. Maybe I need corrective shoes. Maybe I don't. Actually, I do have to wear max support running shoes, but we won't go there. Either way, it's the way I'm made, and it makes me "run funny".

So yes, I "run funny". If you need to tell me, that's fine. But just prepared for me to ask you how much and how often you run. Because I may "run funny", but at least I run. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Beach Baby

Warning: Major (as in ridiculous) Picture Dump

On Thursday we took off for a quick couple nights at the beach. I love that we live close enough to the coast that we can go for a short trip. Andrew's been to the beach three times before, but this time he really seemed to enjoy it.

We got there Thursday afternoon, and after dinner at our favorite seafood restaurant, we headed down to play in the sand.

These are the condos we stayed at. I grew up coming to these condos, and other than some updating and remodeling, they're pretty much the same. The memories I have from our summer visits here are priceless, and I hope Andrew's memories are just as fond. (Yes, I know, cheesy and sappy . . . sometimes I can't help myself.)

Explaining to Daddy exactly what he wanted him to build.

Being a ham.

Still being a ham.

Big feet, little feet . . . 

Every time a wave would come in and unearth the little clams, Andrew would scream, "Oh no! The creatures !!!" He's kind of a dramatic child. I'm not sure why . . . 

We spent Friday morning at the beach before it got too insanely hot. 

Around lunchtime, the beach started getting crowded so we headed to the pool (which was blessedly empty) and had a little lunch and swam.

Andrew really does know how to swim. There's a lot of flailing and coughing and splashing, and if you didn't know better you may think it's drowning, but it's swimming . . . I promise. 

The view from our balcony was great. So peaceful. There's no place like the beach to help you unwind and relax.

And for your viewing pleasure, here's a video of Andrew playing in the waves.

Yes, there are pictures of me from this trip. No you will never see them since I was in a swimsuit. Some things just don't belong on the Internets if you know what I mean. 

It was a great little trip, but now it's back to reality . . . sigh . . . 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Packing Queen

This weekend we're going to the beach for a few days. A couple weeks ago we decided to go so I called and got a condo, and we're all set. It's one of the perks of living a couple hours from the beach . . . short notice and last minute trips.

This is supposed to be a laid back relaxing trip, and it will be . . . once I finish packing. To me packing is an Olympic sport. I have lists and lists for my lists. Everything is labeled and categorized, and I almost always load the car myself? Why? Because everything must go in a particular place. You load the car wrong and you start the trip off on the wrong foot.

So after spending three days packing for a weekend trip, I realized that I better start working out the logistics of our July road trip ASAP. I mean we're going to be gone seven nights. We're hitting five different cities/towns and covering over 2000 miles. We have to plan for different weather conditions and different climates. We have to be prepared for summer in the South and winter (slight or huge exaggeration . . . should just say cooler temps) in the mountains. Snacks and toys and games all have to be easily accessed and easily unloaded. I've already started my lists and planning where everything will go. I'm so excited. I'm in my element . . .

My younger less organized sister thinks this is all ridiculous. "Her motto is "there's always a Walmart or Target nearby", and she once went on vacation and forgot her underwear. I was appalled!

And now I'm off to finish . . . happy packing everyone!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Current Timeline

I've had a lot . . . and by a lot I mean A LOT . . . of people ask if we've heard anything about the adoption. My usual response is, "No. We're still waiting". Then I get really strange looks and questions about why the adoption agency hasn't contacted us. Which leads me to think maybe I should clarify this for y'all.

First off, we actually get an email update every week. If there are referrals we'll hear about them in the update. If there aren't, then it's just a way of touching base and making sure everyone is staying on top of paperwork and whatnot. Secondly, we have regularly scheduled calls with our caseworker. Nothing earth shattering, just a way of staying in contact.

So here's what I know right now. I know of one family that is looking at receiving a referral in the next couple weeks. They registered with Bulgaria in 2009. Yep, they've waited three long years for this referral. After they receive the referral, they'll travel on their first trip in approximately four weeks but won't bring their child home until the second trip in 4-6 months. 

I've spent quite a while in the past couple days reviewing the current info and timelines with our agency. Based on the way the timelines look at the moment, we should receive a referral in late 2013, a little over a year from now, and we should finalize the adoption in early-mid 2014.  So if (and that's a pretty big "if") everything sticks with the timeline, we should have our little girl home in mid-late 2014. 

It's like the World's longest pregnancy people! 

I have to admit my patience wears thin at times. I never forget that we are in the process of adopting. That would be very much like forgetting I was pregnant, but I try not to dwell on it too much.

The good news is according to the U.S. Government website things are trending upwards. In 2008 there were five adoptions finalized in Bulgaria. In 2009 there were 15, in 2010 there were 40, and in 2011 there were 75. Considering all the kids without homes, 75 is a pretty small number, but then I look at 2008 and am very thankful to see the increase.

So there you have it, our timeline. Of course, we continue to greatly appreciate any prayers you want to send our way, and hopefully, we'll see a significant increase in 2012!

Sunday, June 10, 2012


One . . . I know two posts in one day. I don't usually (read never) do that.

Two . . . this is not about 31 bags. Although, as far as bags go, they rock.

31 . . . I turned 31 this morning. Wow, that's 21 plus ten. In some ways it seems like just yesterday that I was turning 21. My mom, my grandmother, my sister, and I spent my 21st birthday at the Riverwalk, and it was an amazing weekend. In other ways, it seems like a hundred years since I turned 21.

In the past ten years, I've had three beautiful nieces and one amazing nephew born and added two more handsome nephews (not to mention a pretty awesome brother-in-law) to the mix when my sister got married. In the past ten years, I've gotten engaged, graduated from college, gotten married, bought a house, and changed jobs three times. In the past ten years, I gave birth to the most amazing little boy I could ever imagine and along with Patrick, decided to one day (hopefully soon) add a little girl to our family through adoption. In the past ten years, I've said goodbye to loved ones and seen them go home to be with God. In the past ten years, I've grown and changed more than I could ever imagine. 

The past ten years haven't always been easy. They've had their hard moments, their challenging moments, their beautiful moments, and their downright miraculous moments. Looking back over the past ten years, I have no doubt that God's hand been on my life in ways I could never imagine. The blessings in my life are immeasurable. I can't wait to see not only what the next year holds but the next ten years hold! (Although, in ten years I'll be 41, and well, that's just scary!)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Chisholm Trail

The Chisholm Trail is Lockhart's claim to fame. That and having barbecue that comes in a close second to Luling's. Sorry y'all but I grew up in Luling . . . gotta stay true to your roots. Anyway The Chisholm Trail passed through the general vicinity of Lockhart, and so every year the town celebrates with The Chisholm Trail Roundup.

Because in the ten plus years Patrick's worked and the five and a half years we've lived here Patrick has met and made friends with almost every single soul in town, we don't miss a major event. My husband's a social butterfly. So on Thursday night we headed to Chisholm Trail to let Andrew ride rides and eat some artery clogging carnival food. I didn't take my camera but I did get a couple iPhone pics.

Funny thing about Andrew, when there is music he's been known to break out in crazy spontaneous dances. It doesn't matter who's around. I got some video, albeit a bit dark, of him dancing to "Play That Funky Music White Boy". This isn't even the best. You should've seen him dancing to "Wild Thing".


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Basketball, Paperwork, and Chocolate

It's no secret that I'm not much of an athlete. I lack greatly in the coordination department, and when it comes to sports I generally could care less who wins or loses whatever game it may be. But I do like to watch the Spurs and the summer Olympics, but what kind of American would I be if I didn't like the olympics? I mean it's the Olympics people! Sorry, I digress . . . I like to watch the Spurs. I've been watching them forever (or since high school). They are the only basketball team I care about. I particularly like to watch them win championships. I was big and pregnant and at the AT&T Center when they won the Western Conference Finals in '07. So cool! 

Anyway, even though they had lost three in a row to OKC Thunder, I fully and completely expected them to come back and win last night. They didn't. I was so disappointed. You would've thought I had money on the game. I was that let down. It didn't help any that they kind of fell apart at the end, and I took it personally. Because you know that's perfectly normal and not even slightly crazy. So yeah, pathetic as it may be, I'm bummed because my favorite basketball team lost. I'll get over it with time and chocolate . . . lots of chocolate. But next year, Spurs, let's step it up a notch. I'm just sayin'.

While I was stressing about the game, I was also stressing about getting our paperwork sent in to USCIS to do our biometrics update only to find out this mroning that I can't send it until July. It's not unheard of for me to "jump the gun" on occassion. Oh well, it's done and we're ahead of schedule so that's good news. 

Now I'm off to find some chocolate, the cure to all life's stresses.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Quick Update

Let's see . . . I just put the first year of my blog into a book. It was 271 pages long. Here let me say it more slowly . . . two hundred . . . seventy . . . one. Ridiculous! It's not that I think my blog is so priceless that I need a book. It's just that it's my journal. It has my feelings, my frustrations, our family happenings, and our adoption progress. It may not mean anything to anyone else, but I want to have a hard copy in my grubby little hands. That's all.

I've had my iPad for less than 48 hours, and I love it. It won't take the place of my Kindle, because I'm not taking it on the beach or setting it on my treadmill, but I do like reading on the iPad better. My Kindle has no backlight, and so I can't read on it without some sort of light source. I also like watching Netflix on the iPad way better than on my computer. The picture quality is amazing. So yeah, lovin' it.

Our home study update was finally approved yesterday. There was some confusion and miscommunication that delayed us getting approval. It wasn't anything to do with us. It was just that we got our hard copies of the home study before it had officially been approved by AGCI. So we had to backtrack a bit. But, as always, the girls at our adoption agency were amazing, and everything was worked out in less than two days. Now it's time to update our fingerprints with NBC. More paperwork. Woohoo!

That's it. Happy Wednesday all.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Cheater, Cheater

I have a confession to make. I totally cheated on my shopping diet. I blame Patrick. Lesson one: whenever possible shift the blame to others. It all started last night. Patrick decided to buy me an iPad for my birthday. Now, I've wanted one for a while but I have exercised large amounts of self control . . . seriously, you have no idea. So anyway he decided to buy me one. It wasn't exactly a selfless act. He wanted a really expensive new camera, and this was his way of talking me into it. He needs it for real estate . . . yeah. So he got his camera, and I got my iPad. That's not the cheating part. Birthday presents don't count as cheating. The cheating part is still to come. So I got a little cover with the iPad last night, but this morning after Andrew took off with it to watch Netflix (who taught him how to use this thing?), I realized I needed something a bit more durable. Mind you this is all still part of my birthday . . . and if you buy that . . . So long story short, not only did I buy another case but I also bought three hats (two for me, one for Andrew) . . we need them when we go to the beach next week . . . and I decided to break down and get a membership to amazon prime. Because y'all the amount of money I spend on amazon is criminal, or it should be. So there. I cheated. But it's not my fault. The blame goes to Patrick . . . and amazon. Can't leave out amazon. Lesson two: don't take responsibility for your actions because then you're officially an adult. I kid . . . sort of . . . (this post was done on my iPad and I can't figure out how to make it break up the paragraphs so just go with it)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Morning Conversations

Kind of running low on blog material this morning. I came in from running to find Andrew all cuddled up in my bed. He was bright eyed and bushy tailed as always. I thought I'd share our morning conversation.

Andrew: "Mom is crushewalackabies a bad word?"

Me (slightly confused): "Crushewalackabies???"

Andrew: "NOOOOO! I! Said! Crushewalackabies!!!"

Me (really confused): "Crushewalackabies?"

Andrew (really frustrated): "No! No! No! I said Crushewalackabies!!!"

Me: "Since I have no idea what you're saying, I guess it's not a bad word . . . "

Patrick: "Where'd you here it?"

Andrew: "Oh, I made it up."

I have no words . . .

Have a great Monday everyone!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend Recap

Memorial Day Weekend was fast, furious, and fun. I don't have many pictures. I get busy, and I forget to take them. I like holidays like Memorial Day because there's not a lot of pressure attached. They're relaxed and laid back and everything and everyone kind just "goes with the flow". Those three things aren't really in my vocabulary so I think it makes these kinds of weekends even more fun.

Anthony came over Saturday morning to spend the day and night with us. I took the boys bike riding. I almost had a heart attack. I was just sure one of them was going to get run over in the almost non-existent traffic in our little subdivision. We came home to the safety of our backyard. My nerves just couldn't take riding with both boys. Then Saturday night we took them to eat at Chili's (as per Anthony's request) and then bowling. The only drama of the night was when Andrew's head got closed in the door at Chili's. It was an accident. His head is hard. It's all good.

When we go bowling, which isn't often, Andrew and Anthony both like to break out in spontaneous dances when music comes on. Maybe that's why we don't go bowling all that often. I need to upload(?) the video from my phone so y'all can see the craziness that is those two dancing. There is nothing like it. Just so you know, Andrew got his moves from Patrick and Anthony from Sarah. Hector and I don't dance.

Sunday, we went to church and then Sunday afternoon some of the kids in our youth group had a high school graduation party. After that, we went to Patrick's parents' to swim and have sandwiches. Patrick's brother and his wife and girls came, and I think Andrew was in the pool well over two hours. Once the sun started going down, I hopped out. It was too cold for me.

Monday we went to my parents' for lunch and family time. Andrew entertained his great-grandmothers by singing for them . . . a lot. They seemed to enjoy it. ;) After eating (too much) we hopped in the Mule and Gator (not animals . . . vehicles) and headed down to the gravel bar to swim. Normally we swim right by my parents' house, but due to all the rain (and no one is complaining about it) the water is too deep and swift for the kids so we went downriver just a bit. Andrew found a stick, which we still have, and a bone, which he insists is a T-Rex toe. Yes, I let him play with the bone. It was petrified. Who knows . . . maybe he did find a T-Rex toe!?! :)

The only reason he posed for these pictures is because he wanted pictures of his bone and stick. Otherwise, it's very hard to get him to be still long enough to look at the camera. He's busy exploring. He's a country kid at heart and hopefully, one day soon in reality.

It was a great weekend. It's easy to forget how nice it is to just relax and enjoy your family. Next week Andrew starts swimming lessons and gymnastics, but we're looking forward to many more relaxing weekends throughout the summer.