Friday, January 6, 2012

Long Time . . . No Post

Hey y'all. I took the day off. I know, I know . . . I took the day off on my first week back after Christmas. Let's just say this has been a rough week, and I wasn't feeling well. So I took a break. I'm learning that it's okay to take a break now and again.

It's sunny outside today about 70 degrees. My favorite kind of weather. Spring weather. Albeit in January.

Tomorrow my parents are taking my brother and his girlfriend, my sister and brother-in-law, and Patrick and I to San Antonio for a fancy schmancy dinner to celebrate my mom's birthday (no I'm not telling her age). They even got us a hotel room so we don't have to come home. My in-laws are keeping Andrew. I'm looking forward to it. We don't get away all that often, and it'll be a lot of fun.

I talked to our adoption caseworker today, and she said they are looking forward to more referrals in the coming months. I also checked the U.S. Government's adoption website the other day, and there were more adoption referrals in 2011 than in the previous three years combined. It's moving folks. It may not be moving super fast, but it's moving. That's good news.

And that my friends is the end of a very random post. :)

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