Sunday, January 24, 2016

Anna Update

Oh my goodness! We've been home just over six weeks and have had Anna with us just over seven. It has been amazing, and hard, and exhausting, and thrilling. It has pretty much been all the things. I want to share about Anna's progress because oh my, our girl has made progress. I also want to continue to ask for prayer because we still have a long road ahead in quite a few areas. I constantly have to remind myself that we are running a marathon not a 100 yard dash.

Physical growth - when Anna left the orphanage on December 3rd, she weighed about 18 lbs. On December 15th she weighed 19 lbs 3 oz and was just over 31 inches long. At her weight check on Januart 19th she weighed 21 lbs 4 oz and was just over 32 inches long. Grow baby grow!

Bonding - Anna really seems to be bonding well with us. I think she's beginning to realize that we're not just caregivers who come and go, but we're here to stay. She has started giving big wet kisses and will let us rock her for short periods of time. We've pretty much been doing what is generally referred to in the adoption world as cocooning. We've limited visitors and haven't been out and about much. I haven't been to church in almost two months, and I miss it. But as we come up on the two month mark, we're slowly moving toward introducing her to the outside world. Key word is slowly. Please continue to lift us up in prayer in this area as it really is so important. Also, pray that I'll have peace and not overthink everything in regards to attachment. 

Speech - Anna really seems to be understanding more and more. She knows the meaning of eat, outside, bath, more, night night, and of course, no. She mimics us here and there and will repeat Mama if she's in the mood. We're working on some sign language along with words, but she's pretty stubborn about using her hands. 

Therapies - we have completed evaluations for physical, occupational, and speech therapy. Now we're waiting on insurance approval. I have to admit I'm kind of on the fence about some of the therapists, but finding a company to come to our house was not an easy task. I'm praying that they'll be good with Miss Anna and have wisdom in deciding what's best for her.

Eating - oh boy! She still loves to eat. Doesn't always love to chew. Haha! But we're working on it. Anna will eat off a spoon and a fork and can self feed although she prefers not to. She will not eat anything with her hands or out of my hand. She's drinking more from a cup. Not enough but more. 

Sleep - she is sleeping in her own bed (crib) and generally does very well. She usually goes down without a lot of drama. This move to her own room was after we realized she sleeps better by herself. 

Overall - the little girl who wouldn't look sideways at a book will now sit and jabber while looking at them. Her self stimming behaviors (rocking, rubbing her head back and forth, zoning out while humming, etc.) are getting better. She still does them but not as much. She tantrums from time to time, but that's usually because Mama won't let her dump the dogs' water everywhere or something to that effect. She's no longer the terrified little girl we picked up.

I've really just hit the tip of the iceberg here. Adoption is one of the hardest and yet most beautiful ways of adding to your family. Some day when I have all my wits about me (read, I no longer have a two year old), I'll write more in depth about the beautiful, the good, the bad, and the ugly, but for now enjoy the photos. 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

One Month Since Gotcha!

I've done a pathetic job of keeping up with the blog. Chasing a two year old around certainly keeps you on your toes! But today marks three weeks home, and tomorrow marks one month since pick up. Hard to believe, and I thought I'd do a quick update.

Anna is doing so well. She's busy and curious and into everything. She's become quite comfortable at home. The terrified, frightened little girl we picked up is really coming out of her shell. She loves to eat and loves to take baths. Given the absolute terror the first couple times we attempted a bath, the second one is a miracle. We've pretty much been cocooning which is really nothing more than keeping Anna's world very small for a time in order to facilitate a better adjustment and attachment process. The weather this past week has mostly kept us indoors, and we're hoping for some sunshine in the next couple days. 

Andrew is doing great as a big brother and has handled this whole change with amazing resilience. 

Both kids enjoyed a nice quiet Christmas at home. 

Before I stop writing and let you scroll through all the pictures, I'll leave you with a few prayer requests:
  • For Anna to continue to attach well. This is a process that takes time, and she seems to be slowly figuring this family thing out. But prayers are certainly appreciated. 
  • For Anna's speech to begin to develop. She is pretty much non-verbal and finds it very frustrating when we can't figure out what she wants. 
  • That Miss Anna starts drinking from a cup (any kind of cup). She know how, and she sometimes humors us, but mostly she refuses and throws said cup. And we have tried open cups with and without handles, straw cups, numerous sippy cups ... and the list goes on. 
  • That we find just the right therapists for our girl. (No advice needed. We have so many recommendations and leads right now. Really we just need wisdom to make the best choices for Anna.)
Now enjoy all the pictures!