Friday, March 1, 2013

My Once a Week Post

So it seems like I may have accidentally turned into a once a week blogger. I don't mean to be, but by the time I have a minute it's 10:30 at night, and all I care to do is go to bed. Can I get an amen from all you mamas out there?

I think that we will actually be closing on our construction loan next week. Which means we should start building soon. Hallelujah! We're two months behind schedule, but "que sera sera" right? At least were moving forward.

Last weekend I dyed my hair closer to it's natural color (minus the grey) and cut bangs. My ultimate goal is something like this.

So obviously my hair isn't this long, and I don't have a professional stylist following me around, but I still think I can achieve something close to this at some point.

We ended up doing this.

Please excuse the scary iPhone pic. It emphasizes how seriously massive my head is. And it's just downright frightening, but you get the gist. I haven't had bangs this thick for years. When I was a little girl half my head was bangs. I kid you not when I say they started in the middle of my head. I guess it was my mom's way of dealing with my insanely thick hair, but I now have a deep fear of bangs that are too thick. So this was a big step for me, and I love it. Yes, I realize that it doesn't exactly (or at all) look like the picture above. I'm not delusional . . . yet. But if I don't go to bed soon, I will be. 

Good night all!

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