Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Blogging Vacation

I haven't blogged much lately because I just haven't felt like it. There's no particular reason other than I'm not just not feeling it right now. So I've decided to take a "blogging vacation" so to speak. I'm going to take the rest of January off, but not to worry, (because I know you're so concerned) I'll be be back. I'll be around on facebook/twitter too. Although, I'm kind of planning on cutting back on all social media for a while. For now, it's time to focus on on living and enjoying life in the real world. Talk to y'all in February friends.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Two Words

I've seen a lot about people choosing a word for the year rather than making resolutions. I've seen everything from faith to fun to happy, and it got me thinking about what my one word would be. And at first I thought fearless, because generally speaking I'm afraid of every possible impending disaster and/or problem that could ever strike the face of the earth. So fearless seemed like an appropriate antonym to my issues with fear.

But then God . . . don't you love those words . . . "but then God"? Anyway, but then God showed me that He has two words for me this year. Now please bear with me. I'm not saying an audible voice spoke out loud to me and said, "These shall be thy two words for 2013." Not even close. It's more like an impression on my heart, and they're two words that never really would've occurred to me otherwise.

The first word is RELAX. I know that sounds like a major cop-out. Sorry hon, I can't do the dishes or clean the house or wash the clothes. God told me to relax. But if you live with me (that's exactly two people, two dogs, and one cat) then you know that I'm not good at relaxing. Not. At. All. The concept of sitting still and not being in motion is incredibly difficult for me to comprehend. My motto is "I'll relax when it's all done". News flash!!! It's never all done. There will always be something else to do. It's not an excuse to be lazy. It's instead learning that stillness and peace and not doing are good for both body and mind. So I'm learning (slowly and painfully and often unsuccessfully) to strike a balance.

The second word is GRACE. I always thought I understood grace. I didn't. I don't. I'm getting closer, but I don't think any of us really understand the whole of what God's grace means to us. And honestly, we probably aren't capable of fully grasping it this side of Heaven. I've been saved since I was a little girl, and I've always associated grace with sin or bad behavior. As in God's grace saves us from our sin and the things we do wrong. And it does. It most certainly and unequivocally does. But there's this problem we have in the church. Especially, with those of us who've lived relatively clean lives. We (and just know that when I say "we" I mean "I") think we're good. We don't say it, but we think it. And somehow we think we're doing God a favor by being a Christian. We haven't committed any "major" sins. We're clean. We're not good. Prideful much? Please tell me I'm not alone here? If I am, well, please don't think any less of me. Or do. I don't care at this point. You see, God is showing me that yes, His grace absolutely saves us from our sin. But it's not just acts of sin from which He's saving us. His grace is what enables us to know Him. His grace is what brings us to life. His grace is what redeems us from ourselves . . . not just our acts of sin or bad behavior, but who we are. Because y'all, like it or not, we're not good. We're not clean. I'm not good. I'm not clean. And no amount of not being bad or doing good works is going to save me from the deadness that is in me without Christ and the grace that has been extended to me through His death and resurrection.

I'm not good, but the good news is Jesus Christ is. And when He saved me, He redeemed me. He took up residence in me, and thank goodness, thanks to His grace, my lack of goodness will not be held against me.

Galatians 2:20

20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

2 Timothy 1:9-10

who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began, 10 but has now been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Run Down

- Christmas Break is over. It's both sad and good. I thrive on routine, and over the break, we didn't really have one. While I'm not thrilled to get up before six every morning, I am glad that we're back on a routine.

- Our house had its first showing today. We really haven't officially put it on the market. I guess with a realtor for a husband it's always on the market. I have no idea how the showing went, but I hope it went well. Although, if it sells quickly we'll be without a place to live until our other house is built. It's a problem we can deal with.

- The thought of having to pack up everything in this house almost causes me to have a panic attack. When we moved in, we had empty rooms. Now every room is full of "stuff". Slow, deep breaths.

- After a few months without any measurable rainfall, we got somewhere between two and four inches last night. This doesn't really matter to anyone but those of us who are sick of inconsistent rain and drought in Texas. Praying this is the start of something good.

- A couple weeks ago I got on our adoption website and noticed that the wait times for Bulgaria had increased quite drastically. I freaked out (shocking, I know). I emailed our caseworker who was on vacation. Thankfully, she's a forgiving person. And just as thankfully, the new wait times don't apply to us. Although, I'm not really sure what our wait time is . . .

- You know I think that's all I have tonight. Hope everyone is good and getting back into the swing of things.

Friday, January 4, 2013

My (Rather Negative) Feelings About Winter

It's 37 degrees outside and rainy with a little sleet thrown in for good measure. I'm not giving you a weather report for your health. I'm giving you one to set up what is about to be a major rant against winter. It's been cold since Christmas afternoon (please note that I consider anything below 70 degrees cold). We've seen the sun a couple times, but mostly we've seen clouds and wind (well not seen it but felt it) and cold temperatures.

Now, I know those of you that live where it's really cold will think I'm a wimp. I am. I'm the mother of all wimps when it comes to cold weather. But I live in Central Texas y'all. And while I don't love sweltering heat, I'll take it over 40 degrees any day. I also don't mind the rain, but why can't it rain and be warm? Huh? Why I ask? Why does it ever have to be cold and miserable?

I find this weather miserable, gloomy, and un-motivating. The only thing I'm motivated to do is to sit in the rocking chair and read. So this morning I turned on all the lights, yes, I'm wasting energy, and I opened all the blinds in an attempt to brighten things up and "let a little sunshine in" so to speak. If this doesn't work, we're moving to Hawaii. The land of eternal summer . . .

But here's what we (and by "we" I mean "I") really need. I need spring. I need sunshine, and warmth, and evening thunderstorms. I need to plant a garden and dig around in the dirt and see things grow. I need to be able to go for a run and sweat and not have all of my appendages become numb.

The good news is, we only have about two months of real winter in our part of Texas, and there will, hopefully, be some warm, spring-like days thrown in those two months. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but for all of you folks who live with long, dark winters, I'm sorry. I don't know how the heck you do it!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

May His Power Rest On Me

I just watched Beth Moore's teaching from this morning's session at Passion 2013. All I can say (and what I've already tweeted) is, "Wow!!!". There is no way I can sum it up, but I encourage you to watch if you have a moment. If I'm correct it'll only be up for 24 hours, but if you get a chance, it is awesome (just click on the Passion 2013 to get to the website).

As we go into 2013, I'm realizing more and more the importance of letting God be God and not trying to do His job. I've spent so much of my life trying to be good enough. As if that's even possible. I could try to be good enough all day long, and it's never going to happen. Anyway, I want to leave you with this song. This is my prayer for the next year . . . to avoid trying to do things in my power and instead do them in His.