Friday, July 31, 2015

This Is It

Last Friday, Andrew and I were out shopping. We were browsing around Marshall's when my sister posted on my wall on Facebook to tell me my phone wasn't ringing. I turned my phone off so it could reboot, and when I turned it back on, there was a voicemail from our caseworker asking me to call her back. I honestly thought it was about our home study because I had just sent an updated copy a couple days prior. But when I got on the phone with her, I quickly realized it was not about our home study.

It was . . . THE CALL!

There in the middle of Marshall's, shaking and trying my best to look sane, I heard about a precious little Bulgarian girl for the first time.

We've been waiting all week to consult with the International Adoption Pediatrician. Today, we finally had our consultation, and it went very well. Her medicals were pretty much as we had interpreted, and there weren't any big unknowns or surprises. Before we receive travel dates we'll get updated stats and videos. I wish I could give y'all all the the details, but I can't. Privacy is important, but I'll share that she's two and she's beautiful.

Our caseworker asked me today how I was doing, and it was the first time I really paused to think about it. I've been a bundle of nerves, but that's pretty normal for me. I'm also excited, but there's some fear there . . . a part of me is hesitant to fall head over heels in love. Last summer, I fell hard for another sweet little girl, and the heartbreak when we lost her was almost unbearable. But God does heal, and He has done amazing healing in our lives. He is a good God, and He gives us good gifts. And y'all this little one is a good gift.

I called my grandmothers tonight to tell them, and they were thrilled. It brought huge joy to my heart.

I seriously thought about waiting a long time to make this announcement. I even considered not telling until after Trip 1 or court, but first, I'm the world's worst secret keeper and second, y'all have been our partners and our support system throughout this journey. I think you deserve to know.  I've asked for prayers more times than I can count, and so tonight, I'm asking once again. Pray for our little one (name reveal to come soon . . . just as soon as we can come to a consensus . . . let's just say Andrew will not be naming her). Pray for her health, continued well being, and growth and development (normal kid stuff). Pray for us to have peace as we wait and peace as we go forward. Pray for smooth sailing and a quick process. Pray for great attachment and bonding for all of us.

As always thank you, thank you, thank you for all your prayers!

1 comment:

Kristina said...

So, so exciting and breathtaking in many ways! I have been checking your blog everyday for a new post and was thrilled to see this one! Praying!!! Yay!!!