Sunday, August 23, 2015

Countdown to Take Off

Sorry about the silence. Things have been crazy. Even though we accepted our referral three weeks ago, our agency here wanted us to wait on pics and videos before we made travel plans. We finally got them this past week. Oh. My. Word. Tiny, adorable, bright eyed ... did I say "tiny"? ... they're all great words to describe our sweet girl. Certainly worth the wait, and we fully expected to have travel dates Friday morning. What we didn't expect was to be asked to travel with just one week's notice! Yep, I said, "One week". Thankfully, I was already preparing. I have been setting aside clothing. Toiletries were ready to throw in bags. And I was able to get plane tickets at a really good price. So we will be boarding a plane next weekend and heading back to Bulgaria.

Once again, I'm going to throw prayer requests out there:
1. Pray for good health for all of us. Patrick had a stomach bug yesterday. He's feeling better. I'm about to don my hazmat suit and disinfect everything (I'm not really joking). But please pray for good health for everyone both now and throughout our trip.
2. Pray for safe travels.
3. Pray for a great time with our sweet girl.
4. Pray for Andrew's safety and peace as he's starting school while we're gone. I'm a little sad to be missing his first day of 2nd grade, but I know he's in good hands.
5. Pray for smooth sailing for this whole process. Yes, I'm a little apprehensive after what we've been through, but I'm believing that a year from now our girl will be sleeping in her crib in her room in our home.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For everything ... your prayers ... your support ... all of it.