Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Catch All

Believe it or not, October is almost over. We've been very busy this past month.
Andrew turned 9, and we celebrated both at school and with friends and family. I took donuts to his school on his birthday, and he was very excited about that.

We've also been playing a lot of soccer. This soccer season has been over the top intense. I think it may be our last one as we love soccer, but we're not in love with the idea of any sport dictating our lives. At least not until, Andrew is a little older.

Miss Anna has been very busy being ... well, busy. She's learned to say "banana" and requests about three per day. But we can't really complain as she's a great eater overall. She's still growing. At this point she's averaging about a pound and half an inch of growth each month. She no longer looks like a baby. She's also decided that naps are not for her. This can make for a very long afternoon and evening with a grumpy toddler, but the trade off is she's usually asleep by 7:45 at the latest. As far as therapy, well insurance doesn't want to pay for it any longer. Her diagnoses do not warrant therapy according to them. We have filed multiple appeals and are still in the process of fighting it. In the meantime, I have her scheduled for therapy evaluations through the school system. We do not want her attending school at this point, but are open to therapy through the district. So we'll see how that goes. Thankfully, her language is still developing and progressing albeit slowly. I'll leave you with a few recent pics of our sassy girl. She keeps us on our toes. That's for sure.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

New Blog Address

FYI: New domain name. Same old blog.

My original domain name was hosted through google. Google has so convoluted the whole renewal process that I just don't want to deal with it anymore. I also thought about transferring my domain name, but that seems like a lot of trouble for just a blog. My new domain name is davisfamilylifeandtimes.blogspot.com, and this really only matters if you're one of the two people that link up to my blog or if you follow my blog with the original lifeandtimesofme.com domain name. Otherwise, keep clicking fb links for updates. Hope everyone is having a good Sunday.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Nine Years

On October 6, 2007 at 3:51 a.m. this guy made his debut on this earth.

I have trouble wrapping my head around the fact that it has been 9 years. Andrew has grown into such an amazing young man. It's incredible to see his love for Jesus continue to grow with each passing year. He has such a tender heart toward God, and I know God has big things for him. He also loves school, superheroes, his friends, soccer, his pets, and his family (not necessarily in that order). Part of me is sad to know he's entering his last year in single digits. But more of me is excited to see what God has in store for this amazing kiddo! I know the next 9 years will be just as awesome (and then he'll be 18 ... if you'll need me, I'll be crying in the corner). 

Happy 9th birthday buddy!

Monday, October 3, 2016

10 Month Update

Today marks 10 months since "Gotcha Day". It's hard to believe our sassy little girl has been with us that long, but at the same time, I can't remember life without her.

Miss Anna is really growing up. She's trying more and more to talk. We're currently fighting insurance on occupational and speech therapy. Because Anna doesn't have any real major medical diagnoses (and for that we're thankful), it's often hard to figure out the magic words to get her therapy. But we're (meaning us, the pediatrician, and the therapy center) working on it so any and all prayers would be appreciated.

As I said, she is full of sass. Her personality has really started to emerge. She has preferences and opinions, both of which are great, but she's also learning that you don't always get your way. No fun! For the most part, her fits are short lived, and she's on to the next thing. She has gotten to where she likes to go places and will tell me, "Shoes. Bye bye." It's been a lot of fun to watch her grow into her own person. She's smart and funny and silly and cuddly and loves pretty much all food now. So many of the things that stressed me out in the beginning are no longer an issue. Of course, I can always find something to stress about. ;)

As you can see from the picture below, our little girl is definitely a little girl now. There's no evidence of the baby we brought home. I know I'm biased, but I think she's pretty beautiful inside and out.