Sunday, November 9, 2014

And Then It Was November . . .

Talk about time flying by. I haven't blogged much at all lately. We've been busy, and when I have had a few minutes to just relax, blogging hasn't been at the forefront of my mind. I also have a virus(?) or something on my computer which makes it impossible to get anything done without crazy pop-ups and my screen freezing. My computer needs to make a trip to the doctor.

It's hard to believe that October has come and gone, and November is here. Be prepared to be bombarded with photos, but first, a quick adoption update. We are still waiting and praying. There are going to, once again, be changes in the Bulgarian government so we're praying that things don't get slowed down by that. Please continue to hold us up in prayer as we do our best to wait with grace and patience. Sometimes that is easier said than done.

Now without further ado . . .

Andrew turned seven and had multiple celebrations with friends and family. 

Partying with his friends at Peter Piper Pizza . . .

Hot dogs and cake at Mimi and Opa's . . .

Opening his presents before school . . .

 And finally, doughnuts at school with all his classmates.

October also brought the passing of my grandfather from this world into Heaven, and while it was so incredibly sad for all of us, we got to spend a lot of time with family. We're spread across the country, and it's rare that we all get to be together. The reason was sad, but the time was sweet. One of my cousins, along with her husband and three sweet kiddos, stayed with us. We loved having them. 

All dressed up and spiffy (Rose, Georgia, Lawson, and Andrew) . . . 

 Georgia loving on my sister's dog Pecos . . . 

 Rose, Andrew, and Georgia watching Peter Pan (notice the mouths gaping open).

And then there was Halloween which we don't celebrate  (haha! . . . whatever).

Captain America on the way to save the day. 

November (the first week)

The first week in November brought cooler temps, early sunsets, and the end of our 5th season of soccer. 

Thanksgiving and Christmas and 2015 are all right around the corner. I look forward to seeing what it holds for us!