Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Missing In Action

So it's been a while. Okay, more than a while. Sorry. Things got kind of crazy around these parts.

School started back, and both kids are doing well and having a great year! Anna got off to kind of a rough start, and I'll admit, I wanted to throw in the towel about two weeks in. But we stuck it out, and she's been doing really well lately. It's been amazing to see her progress. Her language has exploded. She's socializing, and she's growing into quite the little preschooler.

We moved ... which is the biggest reason I've been completely M.I.A. We finished the house at the end of August and moved early September. Along with unpacking, cleaning, organizing, etc. we've had less than stellar Internet service so blogging hasn't really been an option. I'm hoping that's fixed now because I need Netflix in my life.

Andrew turned 10!!! How did this happen? I mean seriously, ten!

We took the kids to the beach for a long weekend at the end of October which was fun. It was Anna's first time to go to the beach. She was nervous at first but once she warmed up she did fabulous. My parents got a condo at the same place as us which was fun, and also nice to have an extra set or two of hands when Anna got sick on the last day of our trip. :(

We also finished our last post placement report for Bulgaria. Woohoo! It feels good to be free of paperwork for the first time in almost seven, yes I said seven, years.

And there you have it. The last three months summed up in a (very) brief blog post. I'd like to promise I'll be back here regularly, but I don't think that would be honest. I'm not shutting down the blog or anything, but life with two kiddos is busy and fun and busy. And blogging takes time that I don't always have or want to give. But I will try to pop over from time to time and give y'all an update. And here are some photos to tied you over.

Back to school (Pre-Kk and 4th grade)


A few beach pics . . .

Someone thought playing chase on the beach was fun. My mom caught us in action. 

And of course, because I like seeing what other people's houses look like so I assume I'm not alone, house photos . . .