Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Panic Attack!!!

Y'all, I just found out that our Social Worker is coming on Saturday to start our home study update. Did y'all hear that? Saturday?!? Excuse me while I hyperventilate in the corner . . .

I know in the world of adoption, especially foster adoption, surprise visits from the social worker aren't unheard of, but y'all this is international adoption. Visits are planned. While there may be a lot up in the air, when the social worker comes is not one of those things.

This is a different social worker than last year. Patrick talked to her on the phone. He said she has a British accent. I hope Andrew doesn't tell her she talks funny.

She's coming on Saturday, because she also has a full-time job. And a family. Which in a way is better because, I have a full-time job and a family.

So that's why I'm panicking. Please pray for us. Pray that the update goes smoothly, and that we hit it off with our social worker. Thanks from all of us.

Now, I'm going to go clean like crazy.

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